ART210 | Beginning Digital Arts| Fall 2006

CAS 123 | 08/29/06 - 12/14/06

Section D | Tue-Thu | 10:30a - 12:20p

secheverry at | BAS 131 | 813 - 253 3333 x 3769 | blog
Office hours by appointment only: Tue / Thu 2:30 - 5:30 PM

Course Description

ART210 is a studio/performance oriented course. It is an introduction to the usage of electronic and digital tools for artistic creations from an aesthetic and artistic point of view.

In this class we will study the history, evolution and theory of current technologies in order to understand their potential as creating tools, contextualizing the software and hardware that will be used by the students throughout the semester and their artistic career.

This class is a pre-requisite for multiple other classes in the Art department. This is an ART class and you are expected to participate as open minded ARTISTS, even if you are not ART majors. Your authentic self-expression is what is going to make the class a full artistic experience for everyone.

Process and Strategy

The class will be divided into two main areas. The first half will be devoted to understanding the basics of pixel altering softwares such as Photoshop, ImageReady and Fireworks, vector based softwares such as Illustrator and Freehand, and their applications in the printed world, using Quark Express and / or Adobe InDesign .

In the second half we will explore the particularities of creations for the electronic publishing world using XHTML and CSS via Dreamweaver, studying the evolution of the web and the potential and differences of creating for an electronic networked support.

Knowing that this is also an introduction to the specifities of the digital creation in an artistic environment, we will study examples (CD ROMS, websites, movies...) created by traditional and contemporary creators, reading also short essays and texts about digital artistic processes.

There will be a different assignment for each class, where the students will apply the concepts presented during the previous session, and a group critique in order to solve any misunderstandings and conflicts.

The assignments are there to ensure the students will learn how to use the hardware ( computer, scanner, CDR, printer, digital camera, other peripherals... ,) the software and start exploring their own abilities to express and create artistic content using these tools.

Readings / assignments / requirements

Required readings:
Digital Multimedia - Nigel and Jenny Chapman, Wiley - 2nd Edition
Digital Art - Christiane Paul, Thames&Hudson

Create your own blogs for the class. In these blogs you will be posting your assignments and comments. Activate your utweb server space. Activate your photobucket account. Make sure you check your UT webmail account every day. Assignments and comments will be sent to your UT accounts. We will use Blackboard permanently, so make sure you check it regularly.

Short readings will be distributed throughout the semester. Most of the information will be provided by the teacher or will be found freely online. Critiques will frequently be initiated from various topics covered in the readings. In order to participate effectively you will need to have read the required texts and be able to articulate your responses to them within the context of class discussion and critique. We will watch plenty of excerpts from movies / documentaries / Interactive Media during the class that will also be considered as part of the material for the class.

Get plenty of blank CDs, you will be using them permanently over the semester. You can also use your own portable hard-drives or iPods, and even MemorySticks such as Sandisk or others in case you have any, to store your art work. If you want to, and you have the software installed in your machines, bring your laptops to the classroom.

Your blogs will be the equivalent of your journal for the class. They will need to be updated 1 day before the class and they will be graded. I will be checking these blogs using in order to track your evolution during the sessions, and also as a way to know that you are reading and exploring all the files I will be presenting. You can post any comments on your blogs, be aware these blogs will be public and accessible to everyone in the class.


There will be several projects throughout the course, including papers, assignments, and others. Each one of them will be a part of the final 70% of the grade. If necessary I will do some pop quizes, depending on the students' participation and motivation, and depending on how certain classes work, I might add an extra work not listed in the syllabus. The midterm and the final project will each count for 15% of the final grade.

A 4.0 100 > 95
AB 3.5 94 > 90
B 3.0 89 > 85
BC 2.5 84 > 80
C 2.0 79 > 75
CD 1.5 74 > 70
D 1.0 69 > 60
F 00 59 > 00

Possible last-minute changes

Although unlikely, it is possible that last-minute changes might be made to the dates for all assignments or class meetings, excepting only the final exam. In this unlikely event, I'll make all possible efforts to inform students with sufficient lead-time.

I reserve the right to modify this syllabus for any reason at any time.


Andrade, David R. blog SR ART
Becker, Julie blog   COM
Cardenas, James M. blog JR GD
Coan, Ryan D. blog SO COM
Curley, Jacqueline A. blog JR COM
Czarnecki, Julia A. blog JR GD
Delatore, Dustin M. blog SO EMAT
Fainglas, Shaina T. blog JR ADV
Finnell, Colleen E. blog JR GD
Green, Danielle F. blog JR PSY
Hedden, Clayton blog   GD
Levesque, Steve blog   FILM
Masters, Sarah M. blog SR EMAT
Murray, Preston W. blog SO COM
Paterson, Michele blog NA NA
Rymut, Jill E. blog SR BIO
Salomone, Tara blog SR DIG
Supple, Ryann J. blog JR COM