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::: FALL 2004 ::: ART 382 ::: INTERACTIVITY ::: Mon & Wed 8:30am - 10:20pm ::: FA 112 ::: SANTIAGO ECHEVERRY |
Course Objectives This class will address the history and culture of Interactive creations through the study of various analog and digital forms of artistic expression. From Analog to digital, from linear to non-linear, from local to the web. We will study Flash and Director in order to understand the logic of interactivity. Readings / requirements Update permanently your website on the UMBC Server with every single project you create. Readings will be distributed throughout the semester. Critiques will frequently be initiated from various topics covered in the readings. In order to participate effectively you will need to have read the required texts and be able to articulate your responses to them within the context of class discussion and critique. Get your own USB mini storage card, such as SanDisks, memorysticks or others, get one that will be at least 256 MB. Students must have plenty of CD-R blank cds in order to store and transfer files. You can also use your own portable hard-drives or iPods, in case you have any. You are also welcome to use your own laptops, please bring them to every class. Make sure you have an ethernet cable to connect to the network. No email or chatting will be allowed during our sessions. All the cell phones should be silenced. NO EATING or DRINKING in the labs will be tolerated, unless it is required by a medical prescription. No animals, persons or yourselves will be harmed during the production of your assignments and final project. Nothing can justify harming physically or psychologically a living creature - including yourselves. You are responsible for the respect of other students, and I count on your integrity for this. Participation
WEEK | Date | Concept / Readings | Assignments | |||||||||||||
1 | Wed, Sep 01 | Introduction - Syllabus, goals of the class, required readings, general presentation of the students. Explore: http://www.computerhistory.org/timeline/ http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~pws/EMX/before.html http://www.mztv.com/ / Tv museum |
Pinocchio - Carlo Collodi Vs. Artificial Intelligence - Spielberg: what is a fairy tale? 3 page paper Due on Monday Sep 13th. |
2 | Wed, Sep 08 | Definition of MULTIMEDIALITY, Theatrum Mundi, Deus Ex Machinae, Theatrum Mundi, Vatel, Baroque concepts, Enlightenment century, Encyclopedia, Opera, Vaudeville. Evolution of structures. Cinema as time capturing element, evolution of the moving image: from chemical to electronic, from B/W to neuroimaging. Readings: Christiane Paul | DIGITAL ART Lev Manovich | IMAGE AFTER THE MATRIX |
3 | Mon, Sep 13 Wed, Sep 15 |
From analog to digital. Television as the first decomposition of reality into measurable electric pulses, evolving into the base of digital control. The Scanner, decomposition in lines and pixels. The first PC, early artistic approaches to digital art. ASCII art. Realistic imaging Vs. vectorial creation. Vectorial animation via Flash MX, general concepts such as timeframe, layers, frame, keyframe, labels, tweening, symbols, instances, movie clips. Exporting and HTML embedding. |
Analog ASCII art: each student has to present 3 pieces of analog ASCII art. Due on Monday Sep 20th. |
4 | Mon, Sep 20 Wed, Sep 22 |
Analog ASCII Art Critique
Vectorial animation continued, presentation of Flash examples. Digital Sound, definition, properties, intro to compression. Flash and Sound, mp3 Explore: http://www.stockhausen.org/ http://www.iannis-xenakis.org/english/index.html http://csunix1.lvc.edu/~snyder/em/varese.html http://www.ubu.com/sound/sch.html / Schaeffer - Audio clips http://www.jahsonic.com/PierreSchaeffer.html |
1) Sound ART: Create a 60 second mix of music, sounds using AUDACITY, or any other available audio software, inspired by the Concrete Musicians. Compress it as AIFF or WAV and burn it on a CD as audio format 2) Flash Video Clip: Using your favorite song as a sound track, create your own personal linear video clip using flash. Due on Monday Sep 27th. |
5 | Mon, Sep 27 Wed, Sep 29 |
Sound Art and Flash Video Clip Critique
Interactivity in Flash, buttons, scenes, Navigation. Non Linearity, Tarot example. Storytelling. Information architecture, navigation tree, workflow chart. Floating menus: TARGETS in Flash. Understanding targeting. |
Interactive Fairy Tale project: Choose a classic fairy tale and give it your own non-linear twist, use your research paper on Pinocchio and AI as an inspiration for this project. Due on Monday Oct 18th. |
6 | Mon, Oct 04 Wed, Oct 06 |
The incredible and useful movie clips. Examples. Reading: Speed and Information: Cyberspace Alarm! | Paul Virilio |
7 | Mon, Oct 11 Wed, Oct 13 |
Fairy Tale workshop |
8 | Mon, Oct 18 Wed, Oct 20 |
Interactive Fairy Tale Critique
Introduction to Actionscripting, one frame animations. Interactivity. User Actions / Reactions. Properties, Modification of Movie Clip Properties. |
Actionscript experiments: play with Flash and create one frame animations using _root, onEnterFrame, onMouseMove, onMouseUp, OnMouseDown, to alter the properties of different movie clips ( _x, _y, _width, _height, _alpha, _rotation ... ) Due on Monday Oct 25th |
9 | Mon, Oct 25 Wed, Oct 27 |
Understanding Variables, _global.variables, Math.functions(). Conditions, cases and repeat loops. Definitions and examples. More object properties in Flash MX. |
Variable/Conditions/Loop movie : apply the concepts of local/global variables, repeat loops and conditions to a practice project. Due on Monday Nov 1st |
10 | Mon, Nov 01 Wed, Nov 03 |
movie_clip.attachMovie - swf + non progressive jpgs. loadMovie . ARRAYS! Lists and the power of storing information. Databases. Definition + examples |
The Array Movie: use arrays in order to create a photo / swf (audio/visual) album. Randomize possibilities. Due on Monday Nov 8th |
11 | Mon, Nov 08 Wed, Nov 10 |
Microphone and Camera Objects. Digital Video, definition, characteristics, compressions, weight, examples. From NTSC to QT, from 4/3 to 16/9, from low Res to Hi Res. Flash + Digital Video = Interactive Video! Importing, compressing, understanding and decomposing into scenes, basic control. Floating menus and controllers fo video. Emergency Broadcast Network Explore: Apple Quicktime About Quicktime Quicktime history The future of Digital Video |
Interactive Video Project: experiment with video capturing, editing and import it into flash. Decompose a basic narration into scenes. Create an interactive navigation. Open topic. HAVE FUN! Due on Monday Nov 15th |
12 | Mon, Nov 15 Wed, Nov 17 |
Interactive Video Project Critique
Cyborgs: Steve Mann Stelarc Orlan Bob Flanagan Leigh Bowery Reading: Whose Body? Ethics and Experiment in Performance Art | Dr Jane Goodall |
CYBORG Project: Create a Flash MX Project involving interactive video and audio where you will transform your own image interactively in the way these artists transform theirs: Stelarc, Orlan, Steve Mann and Bob Flanagan. Have the reading of Dr. Goodall in mind. Due on Wednesday Dec 1st |
13 | Mon, Nov 22 Wed, Nov 24 |
Cyborg Project Workshop / ThanksGiving | ||||||||||||||
14 | Mon, Nov 29 Wed, Dec 01 |
Cyborg Project Q&A Cyborg Project Critique |
15 | Mon, Dec 06 Wed, Dec 08 |
Final Project Presentation: each student must present the navigation tree, the interactive story board of one scene of the project, a written description ( 2 pages minimum) stating the goals, the methods, and the reasons why he/she/it is interested in developing this project. NO PORTFOLIOS ALLOWED. | Public presentation of Final project ideas with timeline and workflow, open topic. The Final project must be in FLASH MX, involving interactive video/sound, conditionnals, variables, loops, animation, text, flawless navigation structure. Due Mon Dec 20th |
16 | Mon, Dec 13 |
Final project workshop | ||||||||||||||
17 | Mon, Dec 20 |
FINAL PROJECTS | ||||||||||||||
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